Dec 08 – May 09 merupakan semester terakhirku di fakulti di atas kayangan...ok bukit.
Amboi kak suka ya nak grad. Yang hujung sekali tu senggugut ke..?
Fuh lega. Baru selesai hantar hard-covered dissertation. Terasa ringan sangat.
Ringan sikit otak ni..dah tak perlu memikirkannya lagi.
Ringan bahu..dah tak perlu memikul beban dissertation yang tebal itu. Heeeh..
Ringan tulang sebab rajin…eh bukan.
Sekarang tunggu result la ape lagi..seramm…lagi-lagi result dissertation and Facilities Management.
Hambik kau muka roller coaster aku!
Zheng Laoshi
And so, the graduation of the language course was held in Grand Bluwave Hotel Shah Alam, I was accompanied by Mr L.O.V.E. Tapi kami sampai agak lambat jadi saya tak dapat naik pentas ambil file kosong :p
The food there was so-so..tak sesedap 5-6 tahun dulu..Cuma ada 1 je yang sedap..Bread Pudding with Custard Sauce.
The last paper (Professional Studies II) was on 6th which, kalau course lain kebanyakkannya dah merdeka. Even ada yang after paper terus naik bas balik kampung. But not for courses in the Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying. Building Surveying, Interior Design, Architecture etc..mereka ni lah muka-muka yang paling last balik cuti tiap-tiap semester. Sobs.. T_T
Ini semua gara-gara design projects yang bertimbun-timbun sampai habis exam pun dia belum habis lagi. Nampak macam sedih je..tapi sebenarnya kitorang enjoy! (I tak tahulah yang lain kan, tapi I enjoy staying up in faculty buat design sampai esok pagi, lepas tu kalau lapar pukul 2-3 pagi kirim dekat boys mi goreng mamak with teh tarik. Layann..)
Proses menyiapkan tugasan design ni sebenarnya best kalau kita kasi feel..cecehh..lagi-lagi kalau dapat group member yang sekepala dengan idea-idea yang out of this world! Our task for the final semester was conservation of shophouses in Muar Town. Agak mencabar sebab banyak design restrictions yang kena follow..bukan boleh suka-suka hati je nak design macam design modern buildings kan..even nak install lampu kat signage kedai pun kena tegur tau! “Anak-anak muridku sayaanggg…you are using too much energy!” So people, conservation work is very sensitive. Ewahh!
Megatron Sdn Bhd.
Dibelakang tu proposal kami, sesiapa yang berminat boleh hubungi nombor yang tertera di kaca tv anda.
Oh how can I forget the unforgettably-scary Viva Presentation.
Viva Presentation? Who’s that pokemon?
Ok, for those who are unfamiliar with this, let me explain..(ceyhh) I did mention about a dissertation right. It is a research students had to carry out in order to obtain their degree. After the final submission of the research, they will have to undergo a viva presentation where they need to convince a panel of lecturers that their research is genuine and valid. And I survived! Alhamdulillah.
My panel consists of two killer lecturers and Miss Linda the pensyarah berjiwa berjiwa student. Prof. Bill Hamilton from Scotland is a senior visiting lecturer and Sr. Nadzari is the pensyarah paling otai. However, Encik Nadzari behaved himself in front of Prof. Bill..hehehh..fuh selamattt. Kalau tak, boleh goyah iman tau nak jawab soalan-soalan puaka dia tu T_T. Prof Bill was very interested in the data I obtained from my research (I guess)because banyak sangat soalan dia tanya tahu!
Tiba-tiba Prof Bill senyum padaku sambil berkata... “Ok good.”
Aaaaarrrgghhh…rasa macam nak lompat kijang kat situ sambil senyum sampai mulut cramp!!
-The End-
P/s: Kak, sini ada kerja kosong tak? Saya pandai buat Ayam KLG. :p